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Executive (I)
Tuesday, 22nd October, 2013


Matter for Consideration:
The proposed demolition of the former Syndicate Nightclub premises, Church Street.
Following the acquisition by Blackpool Council of the former Syndicate Nightclub as a strategic site for future redevelopment as detailed in Cabinet Member Decision PH137 /2012, it has been proposed that the site should be used as a car park in the short term which will minimise the running costs and generate an income.

Following a tender process initiated soon after acquisition, a demolition contractor has been appointed. Although the time limit for the initial quote has expired, the company has indicated that it will keep the tendered price open for another six months.

Consent is therefore required to proceed with the demolition process, serving all appropriate notices and making any appropriate payments which will fall within the budget approved by Cabinet Member Decision PH137/ 2012.

Does the information submitted include any exempt information?NO
Legal Considerations:
There are a number of statutory notices that have to be served to enable demolition to take place, the costs of which are accounted for within the budget approved by PH / 137 /2012.There is a lease to Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd ("H3G") for use to site telecommunications equipment ("the Equipment") until 31 December 2021. The lease may be determined on 24 months' notice if the owner can show a settled intention to develop. The Council has served notice to determine the lease to take effect on 14 August 2015 and H3G have served a counter-notice on the Council to protect their position pursuant to telecommunications legislation. An alternative telecommunications site has been located and a planning application has been submitted which will enable the mast to be relocated within three months of planning permission being granted.
Personnel Considerations:
Financial Considerations:
The costs of maintaining and securing a vacant building are significant. Demolition of the building will enable the site to be used for car parking in the short term (subject to planning permission being granted) which will defray some of the costs of the site acquisition. The costs to undertake works as outlined in the information section above are within the budget figures approved in Cabinet Member Decision PH/137/2012. In relation to removal of the telecommunications equipment, Blackpool Council has negotiated an agreement with H3G for the equipment to be relocated to a suitable alternative site at the expense of Blackpool Council, the cost of which is contained within the agreed budget.
Performance Management Considerations:
Risk Management Considerations:
There are many security implications when a building is kept vacant. Given the issues regarding theft of metal from vacant buildings, the consequential damage caused should a metal theft occur would result in a significant increase in holding costs. Likewise, there is an enhanced risk of fire in vacant buildings.
Relevant Officer:
Steve Thompson, Assistant Chief Executive- Treasurer Services
Relevant Cabinet Member:
Councillor S. Blackburn
Consultation Undertaken:
Consultation with has been undertaken internally with Blackpool Council's Legal Services, Highways, and Capital Works divisions.
Background Papers:
Is this a key decision?NO
Is the decision required in less than 5 days?NO
To approve demolition of the former Syndicate Nightclub premises, Church Street. To authorise the Assistant Chief Executive- Treasurer Services to serve the relevant notices and where appropriate to pay compensation within the budget previously approved.
Reasons for Recommendations:
The costs of maintaining a vacant building are considerable. Demolition will reduce the holding costs whilst temporary use as a car park will derive an income that can be used to defray the costs (subject to planning permission being granted
Is the recommendation contrary to a plan or strategy adopted or approved by the Council?NO
Is the recommendation in accordance with the Council’s approved Budget?YES
Other alternative options to be considered:
Policy, Overview, and Scrutiny Committee Chairman (where appropriate)
Date Informed: N/A
Date Approved: N/A
The Leader of the Council agreed the recommendations as outlined above namely: 1) To approve demolition of the former Syndicate Nightclub premises, Church Street. 2) To authorise the Assistant Chief Executive- Treasurer Services to serve the relevant notices and where appropriate to pay compensation within the budget previously approved.
Date:22nd October 2013
Reason for Decision:
The costs of maintaining a vacant building are considerable. Demolition will reduce the holding costs whilst temporary use as a car park will derive an income that can be used to defray the costs (subject to planning permission being granted)

Date of Publication:
22nd October 2013

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